“Darth Maul Arrives” for Star Wars: Legion

This is pretty cool news, it's been years since I painted this illustration (and a few others) for Star Wars: Legion but I just found out that my Darth Maul piece was used for the official product marketing! For those who aren’t familiar with this particular project, it’s a special release for the game featuring the fearsome Darth Maul - a total dream job for me.

The product marketing for this special release that featured my illustration.

Throwing this out into the universe here but - doing more official Star Wars/Lucasfilm work is now at the top of my goals list so if you or a publisher you know needs some character or creature artwork in that universe, please don’t hesitate to send me an email at DigitallyUntamed@gmail.com.

May the Force be with you.


The Dragon Lords: False Idols by Jon Hollins (Cover Reveal)